June 27, 2021

Product Update June 2021

Product Update June 2021

The needs for better mobility management have increased exponentially in recent months, requiring more agility, improving productivity and reducing time to market.

Below we summarize the functionalities that we have launched in recent months in response to these needs, focused in speed, easier management and productivity.

Brand new App Store

Applivery allows a truly advanced user management, with segregation of roles and permissions at both organization and project levels and considering two types of users (collaborators and employees). It also combines an advanced authentication through many different channels (Traditional registrations, App Store users, SDK users, SSO authentication…).

Such permissions and role granularity has many benefits and allows Applivery to adapt perfectly to any environment, no matter how complex it is. However, when the organization grows, the management of users stars becoming a difficult challenge.

Therefore, we have completely rewritten user management section, making it much more usable and easy to use. Now you have a “People” section that centralizes all the users in your organization, regardless of the scope, origin or role of the user permission you are granting. It also allows you to easily filter the view by many different options (such as the App, role or origin of the user), providing full visibility of your organization in just one single screen.

It also allows you to centralize the process of creating new users, regardless of the scope (at the entire organization level or to a specific app or project).

Advanced Single Sign-On capabilities

We have continued improving the Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities of Applivery to make even easier and more secure to authenticate in the platform. You can now access the Applivery Dashboard with your SSO credentials (while so far it was just available for the App Store).

We have also included the possibility to map your users directory groups into Applivery groups. In some cases you will need to map SAML Groups from your IdP to the actual groups naming in Applivery. Applivery will automatically discover new groups from each authentication and will add them to the list. However you can map them out upfront if you know the IDs.

You can read more here.

Improved security through a brand new audit dashboard

Security is something we take very seriously and an important aspect of security is visibility and traceability of the changes that occur on digital platforms. For this reason, we have created a new Audit Dashboard where you can see all the changes (manual change, API request and automatic changes performed by our internal systems) that have occurred in your organization.

You will also see the details of the change and the user who made it. This section is only available for Owners and Admins and data retention varies depending on your Applivery subscription, starting with 1 week for the free accounts and up to 1 year for the Enterprise ones.

Storage regions improvements

We released Storage Regions and Custom Storage Regions a few months ago, allowing you to store your builds in many locations worldwide and making it possible to accelerate apps distribution and security.

Our Business and Enterprise users can choose from the 15 storage regions we offer to host their builds or can select their own AWS S3 buckets.

However this process previously required a manual setup by our support team, but now those configurations can be done directly from the dashboard for both apps and the entire organization.

Other improvements

And that’s not all, we have also been working on many other improvements. Some of them are:

  • Transfer organization ownership
  • User groups prediction in filtering
  • Improved service status notifications and alerts
  • Android MDM: Support to:
    • add system apps
    • add apps by package name

What’s coming next?

We have a promising roadmap for the coming months that will bring numerous improvements. Among them, we would like to highlight the following:

  • iOS MDM (now in private beta, contact us if you’re interested)
  • Support for Two Factor Authentication (2FA) through Google Authenticator
  • Android EMM embedded Zero-touch portal
  • Sender email address customization for all email communications

Remember that you can discover much more on our public roadmap. Also please feel free to file out your own Feature Requests in GitHub and help us improve. You’re feedback is always welcome.

We hope you enjoy the new features. As always we are at your disposal at [email protected].

Hope you all are well and safe!

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