May 22, 2024

Announcing device management optimizations

Announcing device management optimizations
Hello to all technology lovers! In this article, we will explore the exciting improvements that Applivery has implemented this month, bringing device management to a new level. From optimizations in device management to per Let ‘s go deep!

🚨 Action required: Zero-Touch Customer Terms of Service


Android has recently updated the Zero-Touch customer Terms of Service. Customers will be prompted to accept the new terms upon their login to the Zero-Touch customer portal.

This update may cause an increase TosError responses when attempting to access the Zero-Touch customer API. Any existing solutions leveraging the Zero-Touch customer APIs to access an account that has not yet accepted the new Terms of Service will receive a TosError response.


Users will need to accept the Terms of Service by signing in to the Zero-Touch enrollment portal.

🚨 Android Enterprise Service Announcement 🚨

Android has identified an issue where the default behavior of the CrossProfileCopyPaste and personalAppsThatCanReadWorkNotifications policy settings do not align with the documentation. To resolve this, they will introduce a change to AM API to ensure these settings align with the intended specifications.

Current behavior

Currently, the following policy settings’ default behavior is:

  • CrossProfileCopyPaste: If policy setting is not set or set to CROSS_PROFILE_COPY_PASTE_UNSPECIFE, text copied in one profile can be pasted in the other profile.
  • personalAppsThatCanReadWorkNotifications: If the policy setting is not set or is set to an empty list, all personal apps can read work profile notifications using a NotificationListenerService.

New behavior

Effective August 6, 2024, the default policy settings will be as follows:

  • CrossProfileCopyPaste: If policy setting is not set or is set to CROSS_PROFILE_COPY_PASTE_UNSPECIFED, its behavior defaults to COPY_FROM_WORK_TO_PERSONAL_DISALLOWED.
  • personalAppsThatCanReadWorkNotifications: If the policy setting is not set or is set to an empty list, no personal apps (aside from system apps) can read work notifications.

Action required

Please ensure you have set an explicit policy value if you don’t want the default behavior mentioned in the policy settings documentation.

  • CrossProfileCopyPaste: Set CrossProfileCopyPaste to CROSS_PROFILE_COPY_PASTE_ALLOWED if the desired behavior is to allow text copied in either profile to be pasted in the other profile.
  • personalAppsThatCanReadWorkNotifications: Set personalAppsThatCanReadWorkNotifications to the list of personal apps that should be able to read work profile notifications using a NotificationListenerService.

MDM device exports CSV

Are you preparing for an audit or obtaining/renewing a certification? Applivery makes it simple! Now, you will be able to export a CSV with all the details about your enrolled devices and installed applications, including:

How to use it

  1. Go to your device details section.
  2. Click Export CSV.
  3. Download your detailed report!

For more detailed information and additional features, check out our comprehensive guide in our new article Conducting MDM Security Audits with Applivery.

device details Applivery

Discover the power of Applivery's Apple Agent!

Exciting Updates

Explore our extended documentation covering the Applivery Apple Agent Apps and Self-Service features in detail. You’ll find valuable insights, including the new requiredForSetup install mode for Self-Service apps, alongside options for on-demand installations.

macOS Management Made Easy

Managing .pkg files on your macOS devices has never been simpler. Our extensive documentation guides you through the process, ensuring your devices stay up-to-date and optimized.

Take advantage of these new resources to streamline your device management.
Happy managing!


Fully customizable device and app lists

You can now tailor your Device List and App List to meet your specific needs:

  • Show or hide fields: Choose which fields to display for a personalized view.
  • Enhanced flexibility: Customize your workspace for maximum efficiency.

Empower your workflow with these new customization options and boost your productivity today!


Applivery’s May update streamlines device management with important information about Android Enterprise service, and announces in device management, now you can customize your device and app list and export CSV. Additionally, we bring you all you need about Applivery´s Apple Agent!

Elevate your technology experience today, adopt the latest features, and secure your privacy in every corner of the vast digital network.

Don’t get left behind, step into the future with Applivery!

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