September 16, 2024

Enhanced Multi-Region Upload Service

Enhanced Multi-Region Upload Service

We launched our new multi-region upload service, which promises significant improvements in upload times across the entire platform. This change is designed to deliver a faster and more efficient upload experience to our customers, with a focus on reducing latency and increasing throughput.

What changed?

Previously, all upload traffic was handled through the single domain api.applivery.iowhich meant that all upload requests went through a single path, regardless of the user’s geographic location. This could result in longer load times in regions far from our main data centers.

Con la implementación de un balanceador de carga multi-región y servicios edge, hemos lanzado un nuevo servicio que aprovecha múltiples regiones para aumentar el rendimiento hasta 5 veces en condiciones óptimas con un nuevo dominio:

Supported regions

Currently, our service supports four strategic regions:

  • Iowa (USA)
  • Hong Kong
  • Finland
  • Madrid (Spain)

This ensures that users in different parts of the world can upload their files in the nearest region, which reduces latency and improves upload speed. Under optimal conditions, users can expect performance improvements of up to 5 times faster compared to the previous service.

Impact on integrations

We have updated our official integrations with Fastlane and Bitrise to work with the new upload domain. However, users with custom integrations will need to update their configurations to take advantage of the new domain.

It is important to note that the previous domain ( will be discontinued soon, so we recommend making this transition as soon as possible to avoid interruptions and take advantage of the new service improvements.

How to perform the integration?

Migration is simple and fast, you can find out how to implement it using our documentation to facilitate the process:

Upload a build through the integrations API.

This change is part of our ongoing commitment to improve the performance of our platform and provide an optimized user experience for our customers worldwide.

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