Upload a Build


Starting from September 16th, the new domain upload.applivery.io is available.
If you were previously integrated with the api.applivery.io domain, it’s important that you switch to the new one, as the old endpoint will no longer be available after December 1st.

You are viewing the Apps API whose scope is limited to Apps. If you are looking for the full API spec, check the Organizations API .
The Upload Build request endpoint is intended to upload a new Build (.ipa or .apk or .aab binary files) to Applivery.

Definition #

  • Method: POST
  • URL: https://upload.applivery.io/v1/integrations/builds
  • Authentication: required
  • Headers:

Authorization: bearer <your_app_token>

Params #

Param Type Description
build File .ipa or .apk or .aab binary file
versionName String Human readable version name for this build. E.g.: RC-1
tags Array Comma separated tags. E.g.: tag1, tag2, tag3
changelog String Build release notes or log of changes E.g.: Bug fixing!.
notifyCollaborators Boolean Notify App and Organization collaborators. E.g.: true
notifyEmployees Boolean Notify App and Organization employees. E.g.: true
filter Nested array of strings List of groups that will be notified with support for AND / OR clauses. Each element within the same array will be considered as AND while each array will be an OR clause. E.g.: To notify users in group1 AND group2 OR in group3 use: [["group1", "group2"],["group3"]].
notifyMessage String Notification message to send in the email. E.g.: Enjoy the App!.
notifyLanguage String "es" "en" "fr" "ge" "it" "zh" "pt" "ru"
deployer.name String Custom deployer display name. E.g.: Jenkins CI
deployer.info.commitMessage String Git commit message. E.g.: Fixed issue #123
deployer.info.commit String Git commit. E.g.: f52ace0
deployer.info.branch String Git branch. E.g.:develop
deployer.info.tag String Git tag. E.g.: RC-1
deployer.info.triggerTimestamp String CI trigger date/time. E.g.: 1558359012580</code
deployer.info.buildUrl String CI build URL. E.g.: https://...
deployer.info.ciUrl String CI platform URL. E.g.: https://...
deployer.info.repositoryUrl String Version control repository URL. E.g.: https://...
deployer.info.buildNumber String CI platform build number. E.g.: 73

Example request #

					curl 'https://upload.applivery.io/v1/integrations/builds' \
  -X POST \  
  --retry 5 \
  -H 'Authorization: bearer xyz...xyz' \
  -F build=@'file.ipa' \
  -F 'versionName=My awesome app version' \
  -F 'tags=tag1, tag2, tag3' \
  -F 'changelog=Bug fixing' \
  -F notifyCollaborators=false \
  -F notifyEmployees=false \
  -F 'notifyMessage=Enjoy the App' \
  -F 'notifyLanguage=en' \
  -F 'filter[0][0]=group1' \
  -F 'filter[0][1]=group2' \
  -F 'filter[1][0]=group3' \
  -F 'deployer.name=Custom CI PLatform' \
  -F 'deployer.info.commitMessage=Fixed issue 123' \
  -F 'deployer.info.commit=f52ace0' \
  -F 'deployer.info.branch=develop' \
  -F 'deployer.info.tag=RC-1' \
  -F 'deployer.info.triggerTimestamp=1558359012580' \
  -F 'deployer.info.buildUrl=http://www.applivery.io/build/73' \
  -F 'deployer.info.ciUrl=http://www.applivery.io/ci' \
  -F 'deployer.info.repositoryUrl=https://github.com/applivery/applivery-ios-sdk' \
  -F 'deployer.info.buildNumber=173'

Responses #

Content type: application/json
Updated on September 16, 2024
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