PUT – Update Published Application

This request is intended to update a published application.

Definition #

  • Method: PUT
  • URL: https://api.applivery.io/v1/integrations/distributions/{publishedApplicationId}
  • Authentication, published application ID: required
  • Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: bearer <your_app_token>

Params #

Param Type Description
publishedApplicationId String Published Application ID. E.g.: 552ae3cfcb5abfc58d733b81

Params #

Param Type Description
slug String Simplified name of the publication present on the URL.
security String Security to access the publication: public, password, logged.
tags Array Comma separated tags. E.g.: tag1, tag2, tag3.
groups Array List of groups that will have access to the published app with support for AND / OR clauses. Each element within the same array will be considered as AND while each array will be an OR clause. E.g.: To allow users in group1 AND group2 OR in group3 use: [["group1", "group2"],["group3"]].
password String Password required for access.
visibility String Access: active, inactive, unlisted.
showHistory Boolean Allow to find and install previous builds of the app.
filter.type String last, build, builds, gitBranch, gitTag, tag.
filter.value String Identifier of the selected filter.type.
filter.ios String Published application os is iOS or macOS.
filter.android String Published application os is android.
configuration.application.name String Overwrite App name.
configuration.application.description String Overwrite App description.
configuration.branding.logo String Overwrite store branding logo.
configuration.branding.primaryColor String Overwrite store branding color.
configuration.branding.buttonColor String Overwrite button color.
terms.active Boolean Require legal terms acceptance.
terms.text String Legal terms.
showDevInfo Boolean Display build technical information like git info, certificate and tags.
allowedCountries Array Allow country access to app publication. Comma separated country codes: "AF", "AL", "DZ", "AS", "AD", "AO", "AI", "AQ", "AG", "AR", "AM", "AW", "AU", "AT", "AZ", "BS", "BH", "BD", "BB", "BY", "BE", "BZ", "BJ", "BM", "BT", "BO", "BQ", "BA", "BW", "BV", "BR", "IO", "BN", "BG", "BF", "BI", "KH", "CM", "CA", "CV", "KY", "CF", "TD", "CL", "CN", "CX", "CC", "CO", "KM", "CG", "CD", "CK", "CR", "CI", "HR", "CU", "CW", "CY", "CZ", "DK", "DJ", "DM", "DO", "EC", "EG", "SV", "GQ", "ER", "EE", "ET", "FK", "FO", "FJ", "FI", "FR", "GF", "PF", "TF", "GA", "GM", "GE", "DE", "GH", "GI", "GR", "GL", "GD", "GP", "GU", "GT", "GG", "GN", "GW", "GY", "HT", "HM", "VA", "HN", "HK", "HU", "IS", "IN", "ID", "IR", "IQ", "IE", "IM", "IL", "IT", "JM", "JP", "JE", "JO", "KZ", "KE", "KI", "KP", "KR", "KW", "KG", "LA", "LV", "LB", "LS", "LR", "LY", "LI", "LT", "LU", "MO", "MK", "MG", "MW", "MY", "MV", "ML", "MT", "MH", "MQ", "MR", "MU", "YT", "MX", "FM", "MD", "MC", "MN", "ME", "MS", "MA", "MZ", "MM", "NA", "NR", "NP", "NL", "AN", "NC", "NZ", "NI", "NE", "NG", "NU", "NF", "MP", "NO", "OM", "PK", "PW", "PS", "PA", "PG", "PY", "PE", "PH", "PN", "PL", "PT", "PR", "QA", "RW", "RE", "RO", "RU", "BL", "SH", "KN", "LC", "MF", "PM", "VC", "WS", "SM", "ST", "SA", "SN", "RS", "SC", "SL", "SG", "SX", "SK", "SI", "SB", "SO", "ZA", "GS", "SS", "ES", "LK", "SD", "SR", "SJ", "SZ", "SE", "CH", "SY", "TW", "TJ", "TZ", "TH", "TL", "TG", "TK", "TO", "TT", "TN", "TR", "TM", "TC", "TV", "UG", "UA", "AE", "GB", "US", "UM", "UY", "UZ", "VU", "VE", "VN", "VG", "VI", "WF", "EH", "YE", "ZM", "ZW", "AX".
blockedCountries Array Restrict country access to app publication. Comma separated country codes: "AF", "AL", "DZ", "AS", "AD", "AO", "AI", "AQ", "AG", "AR", "AM", "AW", "AU", "AT", "AZ", "BS", "BH", "BD", "BB", "BY", "BE", "BZ", "BJ", "BM", "BT", "BO", "BQ", "BA", "BW", "BV", "BR", "IO", "BN", "BG", "BF", "BI", "KH", "CM", "CA", "CV", "KY", "CF", "TD", "CL", "CN", "CX", "CC", "CO", "KM", "CG", "CD", "CK", "CR", "CI", "HR", "CU", "CW", "CY", "CZ", "DK", "DJ", "DM", "DO", "EC", "EG", "SV", "GQ", "ER", "EE", "ET", "FK", "FO", "FJ", "FI", "FR", "GF", "PF", "TF", "GA", "GM", "GE", "DE", "GH", "GI", "GR", "GL", "GD", "GP", "GU", "GT", "GG", "GN", "GW", "GY", "HT", "HM", "VA", "HN", "HK", "HU", "IS", "IN", "ID", "IR", "IQ", "IE", "IM", "IL", "IT", "JM", "JP", "JE", "JO", "KZ", "KE", "KI", "KP", "KR", "KW", "KG", "LA", "LV", "LB", "LS", "LR", "LY", "LI", "LT", "LU", "MO", "MK", "MG", "MW", "MY", "MV", "ML", "MT", "MH", "MQ", "MR", "MU", "YT", "MX", "FM", "MD", "MC", "MN", "ME", "MS", "MA", "MZ", "MM", "NA", "NR", "NP", "NL", "AN", "NC", "NZ", "NI", "NE", "NG", "NU", "NF", "MP", "NO", "OM", "PK", "PW", "PS", "PA", "PG", "PY", "PE", "PH", "PN", "PL", "PT", "PR", "QA", "RW", "RE", "RO", "RU", "BL", "SH", "KN", "LC", "MF", "PM", "VC", "WS", "SM", "ST", "SA", "SN", "RS", "SC", "SL", "SG", "SX", "SK", "SI", "SB", "SO", "ZA", "GS", "SS", "ES", "LK", "SD", "SR", "SJ", "SZ", "SE", "CH", "SY", "TW", "TJ", "TZ", "TH", "TL", "TG", "TK", "TO", "TT", "TN", "TR", "TM", "TC", "TV", "UG", "UA", "AE", "GB", "US", "UM", "UY", "UZ", "VU", "VE", "VN", "VG", "VI", "WF", "EH", "YE", "ZM", "ZW", "AX".

Example request #

					curl 'https://api.applivery.io/v1/integrations/distributions/552ae3cfcb5abfc58d733b81' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: bearer xyz...xyz' \
  -F 'slug=your-slug-here' \
  -F 'security=public' \
  -F 'tags=tag1, tag2, tag3' \
  -F 'groups[0][]=group1' \
  -F 'groups[0][]=group2' \
  -F 'groups[1][]=group3' \
  -F 'password=your-password' \
  -F 'visibility=active' \
  -F showHistory=true \
  -F 'filter[key]=value' \
  -F 'configuration.application.name=App name' \
  -F 'configuration.application.description=App description' \
  -F 'configuration.branding.logo=my-url.png' \
  -F 'configuration.branding.primaryColor=#3069FE' \
  -F 'configuration.branding.buttonColor=#ffffff' \
  -F terms.active=true \
  -F 'terms.text=Terms and conditions' \
  -F showDevInfo=false \
  -F 'allowedCountries[]=AF' \

Responses #

Content type: application/json
  "status": true,
  "data": {
    "id": "string",
    "updatedAt": "string",
    "createdAt": "string",
    "application": "string",
    "applicationInfo": {
      "id": "string",
      "slug": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "picture": "string"
    "slug": "string",
    "filter": {
      "type": "last",
      "value": "string",
      "ios": "string",
      "android": "string",
      "windows": "string",
      "macos": "string",
      "builds": [
          "buildPlatform": "string",
          "id": "string"
    "security": "public",
    "tags": [
    "groups": [
    "visibility": "active",
    "showHistory": true,
    "showDevInfo": true,
    "distributionUrl": "string",
    "terms": {
      "active": true,
      "text": "string"
Content type: application/json
  "status": false,
  "error": {
    "code": 5024,
    "message": "Slug already used"
Content type: application/json
  "status": false,
  "error": {
    "code": 4002,
    "message": "No auth token"
Content type: application/json
  "status": false,
  "error": {
    "code": 3001,
    "message": "Entity not found"
Updated on October 11, 2024
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